Due to our REUNION of the Band in 2013, after so many years.... We Welcome you to the Official website of the famous Greek Electronic POP Band of 80's - 90's
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MESSAGE FOR SNSD: ( Girl's Generation )
This special dedication of me, is especially for you.Please read it carefully and put it deep in your soul.
( And sorry again for my bad English )
As you read here, due to the bad events that happened to my band, this fatal car accident of our 2 beloved new members, ( HERE is the article ) I could not get it over for about 17-18 years. I was in too bad psychological situation for the musical creative side. I had the power to create many other new things, but not music though. I felt like a zombie. In this bad psychological condition contributed the fact that in those years died without serious cause, dear to my, four other people, between them and my two beloved childhood friends. Except all those, died my father, my beloved aunt that I felt about her like she was my second mother. Also my mother died burned in fire. So, as you see, are not only 4 people but seven. And I was still alive. Why??? Suddenly, I felt so lonely. Very lonely. So lonely, that I could not to sing my pain to relax my soul. I did several things, just for making me to forget, cause I was needed peace in my mind.
Watching very carefully SNSD, daily, I saw and acknowledged how well the musical show business is rigged. I liked it, I loved it. All they were made from professionals in that kind and not from idiots. They know how to use the colors, the lights and the entertainment. In their TV show’s I saw the simplicity of the faces and behavior of those girls, I loved to see them smiling, joking, kidding, making everything. I found my wife in the face of one of those girls. I mean, my wife she is from Philippines and always smiling and kidding. The smile of my wife kept me alive in my most black days and I feel so lucky to have her. Sometimes I’m secretly watching her making her personal jokes on the mirror and I feel so fine like a child. Watching those nine girls of South Korea for almost one year, except my forgotten feelings I also found my forgotten music in them. It was the same kind of music that I composed and I like to play. The same kind of choirs that I had in my mind. Many choirs-vocals, not only one singer. Sure in my music there is more punch in Bass and Drums, but their music is exactly for “Girl’s soul”. And it was a medicine for me to know that my music style is still alive in another country. And I was happy because I heard my music exactly from the voices of these girls. Not any other girls, but exactly THESE NINE girls. From whole the globe, between so many millions of musicians, I had eyes only for these nine beautiful smiling girls with angelic faces and voices. There was no trace of violence or hatred in their faces formed. They were very simply, tame, and very..... GIRLS. With the real meaning of this word. AT LAST !!! --- I WAS RESURECTED !!!
And you know, it looks like in the fairy tales that the princess have to kiss a FROG, so the frog will be transformed in a beautiful prince. But here, it is more complicated, because didn’t kissed me only one princess but…. NINE. All the team of Muses. And they still don’t know that they have kiss me. That is a pity.
I am a Greek and the “Nine Muses” belong to the Greek mythology. The “Touch” of one and only muse can change your life and feelings to better. But the muse, is not touching anyone, is very selective, she touch only this one that she believes he can withstand her “Divine Touch”. In my own case, didn’t touched me only one muse, but…. NINE. And not only resurrected the frog that hung around in the swamp, but with him, the most well-hidden king’s soul of his. The frog began writing music again and his music made the withered woods around his own swamp to bloom again. Was it possible that the inner voice of the dead frog for life, madness muses in order to escape of his screams, decided to kiss him? Maybe the frog have been trapped in their dreams, asking them desperate to give him life, to be able to talk about how much beautiful they are. (the muses) But those, one by one kissed the frog, mentally, without him ever seen and the frog got life, he became a “prince frog” was hoping this time to manage muses to hear his song, the anthem of their beauty, to finally get to see that the frog it was neither frog nor prince, but their best friend, their buddy. Apollo.
I hope you're always together, never separate and continue to share your kisses to frogs. Be sure, that only your kisses are those that awaken even the gods.
I promise to meet you very soon. Unless your music agents hides you and closed at a distance. As they do it until now, didn't answering to my messages. But you can also email me and I promise I’ll keep your email secret in life. (how much long life a frog can have?)
I resurrected and start composing again, like a fool, like never before. Thank you !!!
John Fragoulis. ( Johnny Stax )
SNSD with my family in my studio.
Copyright © John Fragoulis. 2013
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